Die 12 besten Rapidwaves im Vergleich

The 10 best Rapidwaves in comparison

From the Eisbach in Munich to the Citywave in Berlin, there are now countless opportunities for landlocked surfers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland to get their money's worth and to throw themselves into the waves far away from the sea. We have summarized the most popular river waves in the DACH region and provide a brief overview of the different waves and their special features.

Surf spot

Wave type

Surf level

Price per session

Eisbach wave Munich natural river wave Advanced to Pro for free
Jochen Schweizer Arena Munich Citywave Beginner to Pro from 49,90 €
Isarwelle Plattling natural river wave Beginner to Pro for free
Fuchslochwelle Nuremberg artificial river wave Beginner to Pro from 15 €
Wavework Berlin Citywave Beginner to Pro from 59,90 €
Surf Langenfeld Unit Pool Beginner to Pro from 55 €
Urbansurf Zurich (CH) Citywave Beginner to Pro from 65 CHF
The Riverwave Ebensee (AT) artificial river wave Beginner to Pro from 38 €
Leinewelle Hanover artificial river wave Beginner to Pro from 20 €
Citywave Vienna (AT) Citywave Beginner to Pro from 49,90 €

1. Eisbachwelle Munich

The most famous river wave in the world in the capital of river surfing. The approximately 10 meter wide wave can be surfed all year round. However, you should only surf here if you are confident on a surfboard and already have experience in river surfing.

  • Level: Advanced to Pro
  • Wave type: river wave
  • Recommended Radiance Surfboard: The Shiner & Supernova

2. Jochen Schweizer Arena Munich

The Citywave in the Jochen Schweizer Arena was the first indoor surf wave in the capital of river surfing. The wave offers ideal conditions for every surfing level. Wave heights of up to 140cm can be adjusted and with summer water temperatures of 24-26 degrees, you can surf all year round.

  • Level: Beginner to Pro
  • Wave type: Citywave
  • Recommended Radiance Surfboard: The Heater, The Shiner & Supernova

3. Isarwelle Plattling

The Isar Sohlschwelle in Plattling is a river wave in Lower Bavaria that is around 30m wide. Surfing is possible here when the water level is two metres or more. The higher the river level, the better the wave. Unlike most river waves, this wave is paddled from the side of the eddy.

  • Level: Beginner to Pro
  • Wave type: river wave
  • Recommended Radiance Surfboard: The Shiner

4. Fuchslochwelle Nuremberg

The 8m wide wave, developed by the company "Dreamwave", was built in the Pegnitz in 2020 by the Nürnberger Dauerwelle eV. The wave can be adjusted using a ramp in the water. This means that surfing is possible all year round, regardless of the amount of water in the Pegnitz.

  • Level: Beginner to Pro
  • Wave type: river wave
  • Recommended Radiance Surfboard: The Heater & The Shiner

5. Rhine Reef Düsseldorf

The 9m wide Citywave in the largest indoor surf hall in the world can be surfed all year round, regardless of whether you are a complete beginner or a pro surfer. The wave height is adjustable. You can choose between a smaller, more forgiving setting and a larger, more powerful wave.

  • Level: Beginner to Pro
  • Wave type: Citywave
  • Recommended Radiance Surfboard: The Heater, The Shiner & Supernova

6. Wavework Berlin

The first and only indoor wave in the German capital, Berlin. You can surf all year round on the Citywave with a summery water temperature of 26 degrees. The wave height can be individually adjusted for every surfing level, from 120cm to 160cm.

  • Level: Beginner to Pro
  • Wave type: Citywave
  • Recommended Radiance Surfboard: The Heater & Supernova

7. Surf Langenfeld

The Unit Surf Pool floating in the lake between Cologne and Düsseldorf was one of the first artificial outdoor waves in Germany. The wave is 10m wide and 160cm high. The surfing season runs from March to November. The water temperature varies between 10 and 25 degrees. The Unit Pool is suitable for all surfing levels.

  • Level: Beginner to Pro
  • Wave Type: Unit Pool
  • Recommended Radiance Surfboard: The Shiner & Supernova

8. Urbansurf Zurich

An outdoor surf wave in the middle of Zurich. The height of the Citywave can be individually adjusted to suit the surfing level. Surfing on the 8.50m wide and up to 160cm high wave is possible from April to October.

  • Level: Beginner to Pro
  • Wave type: Citywave
  • Recommended Radiance Surfboard: The Heater & Supernova

9. The Riverwave Ebensee

Europe's largest artificial river wave is in operation all year round. The wave is 10m wide and up to 150cm high. Thanks to modern technology, The Riverwave can be adjusted to different water levels and surfing levels.

  • Level: Beginner to Pro
  • Wave type: river wave
  • Recommended Radiance Surfboard: The Shiner & The Heater

10. Leinewelle Hanover

It is one of the first semi-natural river waves in Germany. A standing wave is created by a hydraulically controlled system. The height and width of the wave depends on the water level of the Leine.

  • Level: Beginner to Pro
  • Wave type: river wave
  • Recommended Radiance Surfboard: The Shiner & The Heater

11. Citywave AT Vienna

From April to mid-October you can surf here in the open air. Anyone can surf on the 7.50m wide wave, whether beginner or pro. Depending on your level, the wave height can be up to 140cm.

  • Level: Beginner to Pro
  • Wave type: Citywave
  • Recommended Radiance Surfboard: The Heater & Supernova

Do you want more detailed information about the various surfing spots? Then check out our river surfing spot guides. Here you will find out all the important details about the different waves!

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