Riversurfing Spot Guide - Isarwelle Plattling

Riversurfing Spot Guide - Isarwelle Plattling

Probably the most famous river wave in Lower Bavaria. With its 30 meters width, the sill near Plattling is a popular spot for landlocked surfers from all over Germany.

Location Plattling
Wave type natural river wave
Surf level Beginner to Pro
Price per session for free
Technical details Wave width: 30m / Height: Depends on water level
Water temperature Seasonal
season all year round
Recommended surfboard setup The Shiner + FCS Finns

Technical details:

The Isarwelle is one of the best river waves in Germany. This is mainly due to the given conditions. The wave is created by a sill in the Isar. This is a 30 m wide roller that simulates a whitewater stream. The perfect time for river surfing in the Isar near Plattling is after the snow melts in spring or when it rains and the river level rises . The higher the water level, the better the wave is to surf. River surfing is possible from around two meters. With your surfboard, you paddle towards the wave from the side of the eddy and let yourself be pulled in. For beginners, letting yourself in with a rope is a good way to get into the wave more easily. Alternatively, you can jump into the water with your surfboard above the standing wave and let yourself be carried backwards into the wave. If you do n't yet feel confident enough to go into the wave with a surfboard, you can go into the water on a bodyboard first. 

Recommended surfboard setup:

For this wave we recommend "The Shiner" with rail reinforcements in combination with FCS Performer fins and a small center fin.

The location:

The wave is located on the B8, just behind the Isar bridge. The Isarwelle is best reached by car and there is even the possibility of camping on site.

Price overview:

Surfing on the Isarwelle is free and possible for everyone, whether you are a surfing pro or a beginner.

Cover photo: Private
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